Sponsorship Package Information
Valley Wildcats
The Wildcats are a U21 Hockey team in the Maritime Hockey league. They play a 52 game schedule of which 26 are at home in the Kings Mutual Century in Berwick. The MHL has 12 teams and is an exciting brand of hockey. Wildcats’ games are entertaining featuring good hockey, intermission events, contests and lots of food and beverages.
The various sponsorship costs or in-kind supports and what a business receives are as follows:
Platinum Sponsor – $5000 plus
- Partnership agreements that are negotiated to include either a financial or service arrangement.
Gold Sponsor – $3500 -$4999
- Four Season Ticket seats or flex passes
- Ice Logo – Gold location and size
- Logo in the game day program
- Sponsor Game Night -includes 12 reserved seats, 12 popcorn and 12 bar drinks
- Name mentions during every game and on social media
- Window decal
- Year End team Photo
- Player Appearances at Business
Silver Sponsor – $2500 – $3499
- 2 Season Ticket seats or flex passes
- Ice Logo – Silver location and size
- Logo in the Game Day Program
- Name mentions at every game and on social media
- Window decal
- Year End team Photo
Bronze Sponsor – $1500 – $2499
- Ice Logo – Bronze location and size
- 2 Season Ticket Seats or flex passes
- Logo in the Game Day Program and social media
- Name mentions at every game
- Window decal
- Year End team Photo
Season Game Activity Sponsors – $500
- Each Wildcat goal
- Power play
- Penalty kill
- Each Period
- Intermission Contests and Demo
- The 3 stars
Player Sponsor – $500
- 5 by 7 player picture on Wildcats board
- 8 by 10 player photo for the business
- Name bars on home and away jerseys
- 4 Game tickets
- Window decal
Game Day Sponsor – $300
- 26 game sponsors available (price is per game)
- 4 game tickets
- Front page of game day program
- Logo on Game Day Poster
- Website and game day ads
- company name mentions during each game
- Window decal
Other Options
Wildcats Hockey Cards $500
- logo on the back of every card (cards given out to kids/fans at games)
- a complete set of player cards for you
- thank you acknowledgements on social media
The Wildcats recognize that businesses have varying needs and issues. We want to work with all our partners to customize and support each other with sponsorship, branding and promotion.
For more information or to purchase a sponsorship please contact Mike Trinacty mtrinacty@valleywildcats.com
902 994-1958